
Welcome to the official website of the training course "Youthpass: for a better recognition of non formal education".
Here you can find more information about the project supported by italian National Agency under the program Youth in Action.

See you soon in Italy

Staff Work in Progress

Friday, July 9, 2010

Few Links with photos, and other stuff!

Hello there,
whole Lecce thing is over night, and we have a lot of nice stuff to share with!

1) Check our Facebook Event here:
Facebook Event

2) Check a looooot of photos here:
Photos from Lecce #2

3) Other Album with Photos is here:
Photos from Lecce #2

4) And another one is here:
Photos of making "Short Movie"

Enjoy :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Some nice photos of us, working here!

The girls are starting to know each other!

Press Conference !

Working on our Youthpass in the artistic way!

Web page administrators, working hard...

Workshop after coffe.

Key Competencies are very important, so we are learning them...

We had guests from other Organisation.

We're watching some kind of presentation...